* Federico Leva <nemow...@gmail.com> [2019-11-04 09:02]:
> Alexandre François Garreau, 01/11/19 18:30:
> > Though women participate in GNU,
> > are any of them fortunately software package maintainer? Unfortunately, I’m
> > not sure about this :/

LibrePlanet media is good place to see that it is not male society:

There is no discrimination. Package maintainer are not looked upon
because of their gender.

GNU and FSF never look upon gender to discriminate. I have to repeat
that according to what I know. Even though I was thinking that such
statements are superfluous, I was thinking that is self-evident,
obviously it is necessary to state it over and over again.

Finally, without women there would be no male package maintainers.

Do you really think that long night sessions of programming and larval
stages[1] can be survived without our grandmothers, mothers, sisters,
wives, girlfriends, daughters and female friends? Impossible.

The sole question is why women do not enter programming subjects may
be easily expressed in being simply smarter for the sake of life
style. They don't want to do to them what males like to do to

[1]  http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/L/larval-stage.html

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