* Alexandre François Garreau <galex-...@galex-713.eu> [2019-11-04 12:28]:
> I think women (and more generally, contributors, and stable ones) are even 
> too 
> few to see any formal preference of anybody over anybody within GNU
> yet.

Alexandre I understand point you wish to make.

Yet when you speak of formal preference by gender, there was no such
preference. I say so because there is no evidence of such. Everybody
can apply to GNU to bring a project to GNU or make it official GNU

Please think about history, RMS was first to write GNU

Sadly at that time he was neither transgender or female or intersex so
to support your cause, but hey, that does not mean it need to stay
for always, people change...

Women are smarter to choose activities that are more visually creative
or beautiful or have comfortable life style. It does not look
appealing to sit in corners and code on computer. They will sooner or
later find out what they are missing.

But until then you are free to invite women and female coders to
submit their projects to GNU. Instructions are here:


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