Thompson, David writes:

> I hope you can see the terrible optics this has.  Something has
> happened behind the scenes, shortly after you and Mike became
> moderators, that makes it appear as though Carlos and Mark were
> retaliated against for being critical of GNU leadership.

Optics are funny...there are just so many angles to consider.

> I appreciated what they were doing and think they should be reinstated
> as moderators.  I find it difficult to trust the current moderators as
> things stand now.

Aside from turning off the global "emergency" moderation bit, I've stuck
to the same general guidelines that they were using.  Since I started
actively moderating yesterday morning (GMT), the only person being
attacked on-list is me, which I am taking in stride.  I've even allowed
through posts by non-subscribers to allow the criticism of me.  If
there's anything else that you think I'm coming up short on in my
moderation, please tell me and I'll try to improve.

We do have a problem with someone under moderation who is sending
messages off-list.  It probably would have happened eventually anyway,
no matter who was moderating.  Anyway, I do not know how to moderate
that.  If you have suggestions on how to handle it, I'm all ears.


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