Le mardi 5 novembre 2019, 22:17:07 CET Brandon Invergo a écrit :
> We do have a problem with someone under moderation who is sending
> messages off-list.  It probably would have happened eventually anyway,
> no matter who was moderating.  Anyway, I do not know how to moderate
> that.  If you have suggestions on how to handle it, I'm all ears.

Suing senders of possible harassment would be the /de facto/ social solution on 
a legal 

Make mailing-list software censor the mail address of *anybody* communicating 
the mailing list would prevent such thing to happen to more people in the 
future (this 
could be advertised as a “anti-harassment feature”).  Some “user-friendly” 
high-level and 
poorly made software already do this by default (so to avoid DKIM issues).

Then the list would force itself as centralized unavoidable intermediary for 
communication between third parties, unless active countermeasures 
(addressbooks or 
search engines) are used.

I strongly oppose this solution.  It consist in centralization and 
authoritarism, as well as 
breaking mail even more.

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