
On Sun 03 Nov 2019 22:34, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> writes:

> Brandon Invergo <bran...@gnu.org> skribis:
>> For the past month or so, every message to the list has been subject to
>> moderation, so-called "emergency moderation".  It has become clear that
>> the moderation was being used in a biased manner.  We have decided to
>> remove Mark and Carlos as moderators/admins and to turn off the
>> emergency moderation.  We will not place any restriction on the topic of
>> discussion beyond what is outlined in the pre-existing list guidelines.
> Who is “we” in “we have decided” above?

I don't think this question has been answered.  Brandon, could you
clarify please?

> Can you explain how “moderation was being used in a biased manner”,
> giving specific examples?

I am also interested in answers to this question.

For what it is worth, until now I could understand that you were
operating in good faith in your various roles in GNU, that you were
genuinely working for the benefit of GNU, even if we disagreed on the
advisability of different options.  I am sad to say that I no longer
feel this way.  It's not impossible to work together, but something has


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