Hi Mike,

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:47:35PM -0500, Mike Gerwitz wrote:
> Firstly, I want to reiterate that the unwelcoming and unkind behavior
> on this list is not acceptable.


> Moderation of this list was taken over because moderators were supposed
> to have been appointed by GNU leadership.  That was a procedural error,
> which was no fault of your own and I apologize for, and has since been
> addressed so that it doesn't happen again.

Which is a funny meta-discussion when the list is used to define what
"GNU leadership" means :)

> > The FSF keeps ignoring our calls for a neutral discussion space.
> The FSF is not involved in GNU governance, so why should they provide
> such a thing?

Of course the FSF is involved in GNU governance. They raise money in
the name of GNU, we assign copyright to the FSF, they hold all our
assets, and they keep lists of people who may use those resources for
which purposes. The FSF is the legal entity which runs GNU. We should
coordinate governance issues with the FSF. There are lots of issues
which are the shared responsibility of GNU volunteers and the
FSF. After discussions on this list we sent various of those issues to
the FSF so we can better coordinate:

> > And I think it is unacceptable that people are afraid to publicly
> > discuss why they participate in GNU because they feel intimidated and
> > fear to get personal threats or have to endure racist or sexist
> > language. IMHO the FSF really has a responsibility to the GNU
> > volunteers to be able to work and communicate with each other without
> > having to feel harassed all the time. And I have recently withdrawn
> > most of my funding to them because they are not taking this
> > responsibility seriously.
> The FSF has no such responsibility.  They provide infastructure.

Given that GNU is a program of the FSF I do think they have such a
responsibility to all GNU volunteers. The FSF encourages adopting an
anti-harassment guide and I think we should take that much more
serious: https://www.fsf.org/campaigns/priority-projects/contribute



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