Hi All,

Just about enough stuff for a release.  Not too exciting, i fear,
apart from bugfixes, but the mudela.doc is getting somewhere...

Maybe someone without a libintl could check-out if our (re-)distribution
is ok?

pl 70

pl 69.jcn4
        - included libintl from gettext-0.10
        - fix: staff-bracket on one staff too
        - bf: lilymake/Rules
        - generic lily-make-0.1.0 package; shared as example with lilyx-0.1.0
        - junked automake stuff from aclocal.m4
        - bf: BASH scripts

pl 69.hwn1
        - standardised virtual accessor naming for Requests
        - doco updates.
        - bf: tied accidentals.

pl 69.jcn2
        - now DATADIR = datadir = /usr/local/share/lilypond ...
        - bf's: DATADIR/datadir: by default: /usr/local/share; '/lilypond'
          must be added whenever necessary
        - bf: begin/end html for BLURBS; junked html-accents...
        - html-accents


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter
http://www.digicash.com/~jan         | http://www.digicash.com/~jan/lilypond

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