On Wednesday, 3 June 1998, Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

Hi Laura,

> I'm trying to use mi2mu and lilypond to print music from a midi file,
> where the melodic lines are played in a fairly detached manner.  Does
> anyone have good advice about how to get the notes to print without
> the rests in between? (I.e. quarter note, quarter note, not dotted
> eighth note, sixteenth note rest,... or something even sillier and harder 
> to read.)

Well, translating of MIDI to mudela is always a hairy business.  One of
the problems with MIDI is that it was designed (?) to be a 'stream of
sounds'; it lacks all kinds of things that make 'sound' to 'music'.
It is my experience, that even if you have a translation that's about
85% good, you'll spend more time finding the errors and correcting them,
than it would have cost you to type it all in from scratch.

Now as i read it, you even have a MIDI file that's essentially *wrong*,
and you want to convert it to mudela...

You can give it a try by playing with the quantising of mi2mu, but
i don't have a clue wether you'll be successful or not.  Mi2mu has the

  -s, --smallest=N       assume no shorter (reciprocal) durations than N

that lets you specify the shortest note that mi2mu should quantise to.
So you may try

    mi2mu --smallest=4 detached.midi



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter
http://www.digicash.com/~jan         | http://www.digicash.com/~jan/lilypond

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