
A small list of bugs and wishes:

I fiddled around with placing a small excerpt of Lilypond generated
music in a LaTeX document and noticed a possible problem in the current
code generation. The macro \musixcalc which is called at the top of
each generated score contains an empty line, i.e. a new paragraph is
started. When adding '%' signs at the end of each line of the macro to 
avoid this side effect and extra added blanks, the first line of multi-
line scores got a strange indentation. I'm no expert on TeX hboxes, vboxes,
horisontal and vertical modes, but as far as I understand, this is what 
happens: So far, each score line, which is an \hbox, is is typeset
when TeX is in vertical mode. When I removed the empty line in \musixcalc,
the first score line was typeset in horisontal mode, the rest in vertical.
As described in the TeX Book, \hboxes are handled differently in horisontal
and vertical mode. This also means that currently, the \leavevmode command
at the end of \makelilytitle has no effect.

Conclusions? I don't know! I guess you would like to be able to do the
following in a LaTeX document and get the example on the same line
as the text
Here is an example: \input{lilyexample.tex}
Maybe one solution is to begin each score line with
\leavevmode\hbox{ so it always is typeset in horisontal mode.

A less profound problem: The Staff_margin_engraver puts the text
over the clef, not before the score line, see for example hara-kiri.ly

When you do d^"\\textsharp" the sign is now put almost a cm to the
left, probably because of some recently added "intelligence" in the
program that tries to estimate the physical extent of the text.
See for example the third last bar of gallina.

One my wish list: Currently you can't do [d16 s e s f s g] and get
the beam. Actually what I want is to imitate a score with the 
following construct
\type Staff <
  {\stemup [d16 s e s f s e s f s d ] s }
  {\stemdown  s [d' s d' s d' s d' s d' s d'] } 
which should look something like
 |  o  |  o |  o |  o |  o |  o
 | |   | |  | |  | |  | |  | |
o  |  o  | o  | o  | o  | o  |
In addition to the problem with spaces in beams, the stems are to short
(which I see if I typeset the example with rests instead of spaces).
So the next wish would be to make the default stem length customizable
from note to note (not only for the whole score) if you cannot detect
the correct lenght automagically.

Also on the wish list:

- Possibility in the lyrics to get an underline after a syllable
  to show the full duration (mentioned several times on this list, 
  still not in the TODO)

    /The almost happy user Mats

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