> Hi,
> A small list of bugs and wishes:
> I fiddled around with placing a small excerpt of Lilypond generated
> music in a LaTeX document and noticed a possible problem in the
> current
have you checked out mudela-book.py ?
> code generation. The macro \musixcalc which is called at the top of
> each generated score contains an empty line, i.e. a new paragraph is
> started. When adding '%' signs at the end of each line of the macro to
> avoid this side effect and extra added blanks, the first line of multi-
> line scores got a strange indentation. I'm no expert on TeX hboxes,
> vboxes,
Maybe this is due to \parindent? Try setting it to 0
> A less profound problem: The Staff_margin_engraver puts the text
> over the clef, not before the score line, see for example hara-kiri.ly
I added the stuff to the TODO list, but of course, no guarantees when
they will be fixed.
Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter