* Murray Adelman

> The file deadman.mid is a guitar piece.  We guitarists are used to having
> our music written an octave above what sounds.

As are tenors[1] like myself.  \clef "G_8"; should do the transposition,
as long as you enter the music at its actual pitch (as opposed to its
written pitch).

This will, however, print an octavisation mark (i.e. the number 8)
below the clef.  I could insert a property to govern the visibility of
this mark, but I don't have the time right now.

>  Of course wind players
> expect even more outrageous transpositions.  Does the mudela language
> provide for global transpositions?  I am slowly reading the documentation,
> but I haven't gotten to anything of this nature.

\clef "[GCF][_^]8"; (e.g. \clef "F_8";) will do some of what you want,
or you could fiddle with \property Staff.transposing.

[1] except, sometimes we have to share a staff with the basses, which
is why entering the music in the actual pitch may make more sense for
tenors than for guitar players.


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