On Thursday, 2 April 1998, Peter Chubb writes:

Hi Peter,

>    Lilypond seems to get very confused when I explicitly ask for a
>    double bar line.  It complains about `junking request: Bar_req'.  It still

Well, Lily is a little bit confused because you ask her to put two
double bar symbols one one staff.

>    puts the bar lines in, but with too little space around them, and
>    seems to assume that such bar lines do not terminate accidentals.

too little space?

>    I've appended a standard hymn tune, `Diademata' in lilypond intput
>    format.

i've made some 'corrections' and appended this new version.
see below.

>    Check the output:
>        -- missing bar line at the end of the first bar.

you added an extra partial 2*3 to the first measure.

>        -- At what is labelled bar 9, the natural sign in the
>           previous bar ought to be repeated, because of the
>           intervening double barline.

yup, the measure is not ended, there.

>           At the bar labelled 18 there's an unnecessary flat sign.


>        -- The lines of the staff extend beyond the double barline at
>           the end of each line rather than terminating exactly at
>           the double barline.

Hmm, this is strange, i'll have to look further into this.

>        -- The double barline is repeated at the start of the system
>           following instead of the normal span.




Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | LilyPond - The GNU music typesetter
http://www.digicash.com/~jan | http://www.cs.ruu.nl/people/hanwen/lilypond

\header {
filename = "diademata.ly";
enteredby = "Peter Chubb";
composers = "Sir G. J. Elvey";
date = "1868";
title = "Diademata";
metre = "6 6. 8 6. D";

        \octave c';
        ees2 ees4 ees4 g2 g2 |  c'1.  
        c'2 | bes2 ees aes g |  f1.  
        f2 | g bes c' bes |  a g4 ~ f  bes2  
        ees'2 | d' ees' c' c' |  bes1. 
        bes2 | bes g f ees |  c'1. 
        c'2 | c' a g f |  d'1. 
        d'2 | ees'2. d'4 c'2 bes |  aes f g 
        bes2 | aes g f f | ees\breve 


        \octave c';
        'bes2 'bes4' bes4 ees2 ees2 |  ees1. 
        ees2 | ees ees d ees |  d1. 
        d2 | ees f ees g |  ees c f 
        ees2 | f g c f |  d1. 
        d2 | ees ees d ees |  ees1. 
        e2 | f f ees ees |  d1. 
        f2 | ees ees ees ees |  ees d ees 
        ees | ees ees ees d | ees\breve 

        \octave c;
        g2  g4 g4 g2 g2 |  aes1. 
        aes2 | bes c' aes bes |  bes1. 
        bes2 | bes bes g g  |  c' a bes 
        a2 | bes bes bes a |  bes1. 
        bes2 | bes bes aes bes |  c'1. 
        bes2 | a c' bes c' |  bes1. 
        bes2 | bes bes aes bes |  c' bes bes 
        bes c' bes bes2. aes4 | g\breve 

        \octave c;
        ees2 ees4 ees4 c2 c2 |  'aes1. 
        aes2 | g aes f ees |  'bes1. 
        'bes2 | ees d c ees |  f ees d 
        c2 'bes ees f f |  'bes1. 
        aes2 | g ees f g |  aes1. 
        g2 | f f g a |  bes1. 
        aes2 | g g  aes g | f bes ees 
        'g2 | 'aes ees 'bes 'bes | ees\breve 

one = \melodic{
% this is what you (logically) had:
%       \partial 2; \skip 2*1; | \skip 2*4; | \partial 2*3; \skip 2*3; 
% but shouldn't the actual musical *definition* be this:
        \meter 1/2;\skip 2*1; | \meter 4/2;\skip 2*4; | \meter 3/2;\skip 2*3; 
% but then without *displaying* the meters (see paper block below)?
        \bar "||";

global = \melodic{
        \meter 4/2;
        \key bes ees aes;
        \skip 2*4; |
% see comment above
%       \partial 2*3; \skip 2*3; \bar "||"; |
        \meter 3/2; \skip 2*3; \bar "||"; |
        \one \one \one \one
        \one \one \one
        \bar "|.";

% now have only one || request per staff
$upper_staff = \type Staff = upper< 
        \clef "violin";

$lower_staff = \type Staff = lower<
        \clef "bass";

        \paper {
                linewidth= 120.0\mm;
                gourlay_maxmeasures = 6.0;

                %remove meter-engraver
                Staff = \translator {
                        \type "Engraver_group_engraver";
                        defaultclef = violin;

                        \consists "Bar_engraver";
                        \consists "Clef_engraver";
                        \consists "Key_engraver";
                %       \consists "Meter_engraver";
                        \consists "Local_key_engraver";
                        \consists "Staff_sym_engraver";
                        \consists "Collision_engraver";
                        \consists "Rest_collision_engraver";
                        \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver";
                        \consists "Line_group_engraver";
                        \accepts "Voice";

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