> > More concretely, I now want to typeset a piece that is a rendering of
> > Pindar's twelfth Olympic Ode.  I am assuming that the typesetting of
> > Classical Greek lyrics is something not very high on the priority list
> > for Lilypond.  It is, however, something that I can support nicely via
> > LaTeX.
> Actually, some guys on the mailing list managed to typeset Chinese
> lyrics with Lilypond, so I don't think Greek would be a problem.
> Maybe the list could respond (I cc-d them)

If you know how to set the input encoding and font encoding in LaTeX to 
produce Greek lyrics, it should be straightforward.
- Enter the lyrics in the .ly file as you would write it in LaTeX but with
  the rhythmic indications added as usual.
- Use 'ly2dvi --keeplilypond' to process the file. Edit the generated
  LaTeX file (the file ending with  <number>.tex) to handle the 
  Greek correctly.
- Run latex on the edited file. 
- If it works, tell the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list what you did and
  it might be incorporated into a future version of ly2dvi or even better,
  make a patch yourself.

If you just use the \alpha, \beta,... macros, then you could use ly2dvi
straight ahead without the extra trouble described above.


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