> -- Dynamics that start in a beam are rejected (this could be input
>    error??)  I want a decrescendo starting over the second quaver and
>    ending after the  crotchet.


> -- Bar number placement is not good.  If I include `bar-numbering.ly'
>    the bar numbers go inside the lines of the staff.  If I include
>    `score-bar-numbering.ly' the numbers are a long way from the staff
>    -- especially if a staff has done hara-kiri.

fixed, more or less

> -- Lyric spacing is bad.  I often see words collide.

fixed.  Thanks for pointing this out.  It was stupid bug.

> -- Dots and slurs aren't quite placed right.
>    \melodic\relative c'' {
>     <[b,8-.( d-. g-.> <b8-. d-. g-.> <b-. d-. g-.> <)b-. d-. g-.]>
>                <[b8-. d-. g-.(> <b8-. d-. g-.> <b-. d-. g-.>
>                <)b-. d-. g-.]> 
>    }
>    -- the slur should be flatter, and below all the staccato dots.  As
>    it is, the ends of the slur come between the dots and the
>    noteheads.

yep, we know, but this won't be fixed soon.  I fear it is too complicated.

> -- ly2dvi barfs for filenames with spaces in thme
> -- ly2dvi clobbers its input file if invoked as
>         ly2dvi x.tex
>    where x.tex was created from a previous lilypond run.
> **Diffs for ly2dvi below!
> -- I need to be able to specify metre and poet/wordsmith as well as
>    composer...
> ** Diffs for titledefs.tex below

thanks for the patches.  Could you try the your version or the new
ly2dvi (in .85) on the Bach Cello suite?  We get a bunch of
unexplainable 'sed: can't read ...'stuff.

> -- GrandStaff needs more work -- I want a single word `harpsichord' to the
>    left of the grandstaff, not one on each stave.
>    (Organ staff -- with separate pedal -- but common properties may be
>    something to think about.  Of course for organ you want to be able
>    to give stop indications on the way through, so the \property
>    Voice.Instrument would be a stop, and \property
>    GrandStaff.instrument would be PipeOrgan...)

Hmm.. Again this is not likely to be fixed today (read: in 1.0 ;)

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