> Can Lilypad notate with percussion symbols? Specifically, can it render
> an "X" which is used to notate cymbals, and an "X" with a circle around
> it which is used to notate an open hi-hat? Also, sometimes a solid
> triangle is used in percussion notation. Is that possible with Lilypad?

Yes and no.  It can't be done out of the box, but the design is
flexible enough to allow such notation.  I wonder: how do you
distinguish between half and quarter notes?

> Here is my Steve Gadd grooves page. I did these examples in Paint Shop
> Pro:
> http://www.intrepidsoftware.com/sgadd/grooves.html
> Thanks.
> Stan Mulder
> Curator of the New Steve Gadd Page


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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