On Friday, 4 September 1998, Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

> Bug#26359: lilypond broken with LC_NUMERIC=de_DE
> Email:
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date:
>           1998/09/03
> Forums:
>           linux.debian.bugs.dist 
> view for bookmarking  ·  text only 
> Package: lilypond
> Version: 1.0.2-1
> When I run lilypond with locale settings that imply LC_NUMERIC=de_DE
> (run locale(1) to see, how this is set), the program creates broken
> TeX code. The problem is, that LC_NUMERIC=de_DE implies a comma
> instead of a dot as the decimal separator, which is written to the
> TeX-file like this:
>  \def\mudelapaperstaffheight{20,000000}%

I cannot reproduce the error here:

    10:40:14 appel ~/usr/src/lilypond$ locale
    10:41:28 appel ~/usr/src/lilypond$ lilypond o
    GNU LilyPond 1.0.8.
    Ontleden...[/home/ ...]
    Vertolken van muziek...[5]
    duur: 0.04 seconden
    Voorbewerken van elementen... [/home/fred/usr/src/lilypond/mf/out/feta20.afm]
    Berekenen van kolomposities... [3][5]
    geschat: 5 regels (van gemiddeld 5.4 kolommen)
    duur: 0.00 seconden
    TeX uitvoer naar o.tex...

    10:41:36 appel ~/usr/src/lilypond$ grep mudelapaperstaffheight o.tex

> Some of these numbers are written as \special commands to the DVI
> file, where ghostscript cannot work with them:
>  gs: Error: /undefined in 17,086185
> ly2dvi tries to read some of these numbers from the TeX file and runs
> eval (sh internal command) on them but this results in the following
> error message:
>  expr: non-numeric argument
> As a temporary workaround I set LC_NUMERIC=C in my private
> environment, but it would be a better idea to patch lilypond not to
> use locales when printing numbers to the TeX file.

I don't know too much about the international settings; we use them for
fun sometimes, but i wasn't aware they are being used for real (already).

Having said that, it sounds logical to me that if you choose to use the
international numerical settings, you want to get them, i.e., TeX and
ghostscript should be fixed rather than lilypond?  Ah, i see, the numerical
setting is probably only for *displaying* to the user.  We should turn it
off in Lily (how, anyone?)

> BTW: I used a self compiled lilypond 1.0.0 before and didn't had this
> problem there. I don't like whether it was introduced in 1.0.2 or with
> the Debian changes.

I don't think that anything changed there, since 1.0.0.  Any other debian

> I am using Debian 2.0 (mostly hamm, some parts like lilypond from
> slink), kernel 2.0.34, libc-2.0.7, ghostscript 5.10.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien/lilypond

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