> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 15:08:09 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Adrian Mariano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> [...]  I'm not sure what the best
> way to choose the margins is.  (Of course, ideally the default
> behavior should be acceptible on both A4 and USA letter size---what a
> nuisance, having these two different standards.)

With MusiXTeX I choose the width of A4 (210 mm) and the height of
letter (11 in) and let margins of 15mm on top and bottom (for handling)
and 10 mm on left and right side, because a lot of printers cannot print
on up to 8mm from the "end" of the paper.

Using TeX-Terms:


The reduction of vsize by 24pt is for the footline.

To see the result have a look at e.g. my edition of Bach's cello
suites on http://www.gmd.de/Misc/Music/scores/  (BWV1007-1012)

Such output can be printed as well on A4 as on letter size paper.
With dvips I use "-t letter" which works on all printers I know.

-- Werner

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