> Does yodl2latex depend on mudela-book.py to print music? I 
> don't think it does, but I don't want to break something 
> else.


> The attached .tar.gz file includes 
>         mudela-book2.py
>         testbook.doc
>         testbook.ps
> and unpacks in current dir. 'testbook.doc' is an example 
> file showing the possibilities with mudela-book2.py. 

I like the ability to embed .eps files.

> This is only a first hack, I will clean up the 
> code and fix  commandline options and parameter names later.

OK. That's good.  I don't want to whine, but could you translate the
comments? My swedish isn't really that good.

> It would be nice if someone try the python code on their 
> system. 

Nothing happens, I get this:

        dokkum:~/usr/src/mb$ mkdir out
        dokkum:~/usr/src/mb$ python  mudela-book2.py  testbook.doc 
        *** Lokal versjon av mudela-book ***
        This is mudela-book version 0.3

I think you should dedent the block  starting with, now you do one run
for every option specified.

        if not fontsize_pt2i.has_key(default_mudela_fontsize):
            print "warning: fontsize %s is not supported using 16pt" % default_m
            default_mudela_fontsize = '16pt'

> Can I send a patch to let this version of mudela-
> book replace the one included in the distribution?

Yes, I would be honored.  I would appreciate it if you would update
the manual page as well.  BTW, I see that you have moved to re module
iso regex, and that one changed the syntax for metacharacters, so \\(
\\) becomes ( and ).


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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