Hi gnu-music people,

Every now and then I have a look at the status of the Lilypond project
to see if it already meets my needs as a classical guitar player.  It
seems the project is coming along nicely, and I really appreciate the
thorough approach that has been taken.  There are, however, still things
missing in the version I looked at (that came with debian 2.1,
version 1.0.19), and I'd like to point them out.  i must warn you that I
did just look through the docs, and did not try out a lot.

The following things are missing:

* Grace notes.
  I understand this is already in the TODO list.  The greatest challenge
  is probably to have both sensible graphical _and_ sensible midi
  output.  I could think of a way where there is a separate
  specification for things that should sound and things that should be
  printed.  It might be possible to use this for trills and other
  ornaments as well.

* Different note heads.  E.g., in guitar music, diamond note heads are
  used to indicate harmonics.

* Attachement of a beam of one voice to a note head of another.  In
  ascii art:
    |  |  |  |
    | *  *  * 

  This is often preferred in guitar music to the alternative that has
  a rest in the upper voice.  I have the impression this currently
  only works with all black note heads, and then two note heads are
  overlapping.  It might be implemented using an empty note head in the
  voice with the short duration notes.

* I also wonder if there is a way to influence the angle of beams.  I
  have seen some examples of lilypond output that could vastly be
  improved by simply demanding the beams to stay horizontal.

I hope I did not suggest too many things that already have been
implemented :)

What do you think?


Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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