> > * Attachement of a beam of one voice to a note head of another.  In
> >   ascii art:
> >       
> >     __________
> >     |  |  |  |
> >     | *  *  * 
> >    O 
> >   |
> >   |
> > 
> >   This is often preferred in guitar music to the alternative that has
> >   a rest in the upper voice.  I have the impression this currently
> >   only works with all black note heads, and then two note heads are
> >   overlapping.  It might be implemented using an empty note head in the
> >   voice with the short duration notes.
> Supported! (Maybe already in 1.0.19). Just do two separate voices
> with separate stem directions and one common note.

I'm not quite sure if I pointed this out clearly enough.  The voices in
this example do not really have a common note, in the lower voice there
is a half note (don't have my english term list handy here), and in the
upper voice there are three eighth notes after that.  If you just print
the two voices on top of each other, the first note head would be black,
whereas it should be open.  Moreover, on a guitar it is actually
possible to play two notes at the same pitch, and sometimes you come
across  something like

     |   |  |  |
     |  *  *  *
    * O

(this looks really bad in ascii).  This has a different meaning, not
just a different look, as would be the case if this were piano music.

If you can really already do

        |  |  |  |
        | *  *  * 

How do I tell Lilypond to leave out the eighth note head, and not the
half note head?  Or is Lilypond smart enough to keep the `whitest' note

> Lilypond keeps developing at a fast rate. If you don't want to 
> build and install the program yourself, you could get a Debian
> package of Lilypond version 1.1.31 from the 'unstable' distribution
> at http://www.debian.org/.

I don't mind compiling things myself, though debian packages are very


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

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