
when compiling any *.ly example I am not able to run the tex part, e.g.
for input/example-3.ly

> lilypond example-3.ly
> tex example-3
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)
Babel <v3.6h> and hyphenation patterns for english, german, loaded.
LilyPond Plain TeX settings) (/aut/home/eric/usr/share/lilypond/tex/dyndefs.tex
) (/aut/home/eric/usr/share/lilypond/tex/fetdefs.tex
(/aut/home/eric/usr/share/lilypond/tex/lily-ps-defs.tex)) [footer empty])
> begin-group character {.
<argument> \kern 44.2649052868391pt {}\show {
\leftalign #1->\hbox to 0pt{#1
                              \hss }
<argument> ...rn 44.2649052868391pt {}\show {111}}
\botalign #1->\vbox to 0pt{\vss #1
l.132   }

It seems like I have a problem with 
from `fetdefs.tex'. If I include this command on top of the 
`example-3.tex' file, the output looks ok, except, I get straight 
lines for the half notes.


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