There is another way of getting rid of bar lines, although I haven't
tried it for a few releases:

  \paper {
    % look -- no barlines!
    Staff = \translator {
        \type "Engraver_group_engraver";
        defaultclef = violin;
        % \consists "Bar_engraver"; % commented out to get rid of them.
        \consists "Clef_engraver";
        \consists "Key_engraver";
        \consists "Meter_engraver";
        \consists "Local_key_engraver";
        \consists "Staff_sym_engraver";
        \consists "Collision_engraver";
        \consists "Rest_collision_engraver";
        \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver";
        \consists "Line_group_engraver";
        \accepts "Voice";

This doesn't work with Staff_group keeping the Span_bar_engraver
(which was one thing I was looking to see if Lilypond could do), but
it should work in the case where you want no barlines (for the entire

Commenting out other stuff can give interesting effects as well,
sometimes more funny than useful.  Myself, I like to comment out the
Span_bar_engraver from the Span_bar_engraver when setting choral music
(i.e. with lyrics), which is something I do the same way.



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