
Trying 1.1.3, I had the same problem as reported previously that
configure didn't detect that I had guile installed. 
I also had to add libqthreads to the linking in order to avoid
missing symbols. I have Guile 1.3 installed (on Debian linux,
installed from the package guile1.3_1.3-2.deb which is a development

Please update the INSTALL.txt so it tells how to set 

The titles have disappeared from the ly2dvi output. 
Previously, the name of the header fields were renamed
to mudelaxxx in the .ly file (which is what ly2dvi looks
for), now the field names are used as is. Hmm, it works
in the example on Jan's web page, maybe he already fixed it.

The MUP comparison example highlit some old favourite problems.
There's still to little spacing after the bar lines, especially
after ":|" and "|:". In the third system a beam almost collides 
with the text. This minor layout problems should be trivial to 
fix. Since I've never looked at that part of the code, I guess
it's easier for you to do it.

I'll take a look at how spanners work and try to implement a 
support for prima/sekunda volta. 


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