Dear subscribers of this list, feel free to upload your editions to
   this server, if you own the copyright.

   The solution isn't that the music is in public domain. The problem
   is the editions to copy from, which are *not* in the public domain,
   because most editions have an own copyright, which lasts in the
   same way for 70 years [after the death of the editor?]. As far as I
   know you are not allowed to use the work investigated into a
   copyrighted edition to make your own edition.

This is not correct.  Urtext editions per se are *not* copyrighted --
if you print exactly what the composer has written, how can there some
copyright be added?  Copyrighted are usually only the `Critical
notes', the foreword, and the cadenzas some editors have added.

This means that the `Photocopying forbidden' sign in many scores is
not always correct for e.g. J.S. Bach -- you are allowed to copy the
pages which don't contain editorial stuff which is probably

A very unfortunate situation for the publishers...


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