i posted this on tuesday, and haven't had any responses.  can anyone
help me?

------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) -------
From: jeff covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: gnu music mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: need help with a score 
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 13:16:25 -0400 (EDT)

i should get on with my questions, because it looks as though it's
going to take awhile for me to get my lilypond upgraded.  i'm trying
hard to avoid asking faqs; if something has been fixed/added in a
newer version of lilypond, just tell me so.

you can see the score i'm working on at:


so far, i've just added the melody from each part without the chords.
i need to start adding the chord notes next, so the first question is
whether lilypond outputs chords to midi yet or not.  someone once
swore to me that it did once upon a time, but i've never heard it.
when i enter < c e g >, i only hear c in the midi file.  i'd like to
enter chords the easy/right way, but will mess around with putting
each note in a separate voice if i have to.

the second thing is that, as you can see, this is a piece with no key
signature or bar lines and each accidental is written before its note
and doesn't effect any of the notes coming after.  this creates two

1. is there a "no key signature mode" for lily yet so that i can just
   enter the notes without worrying about it instead of having to
   remember to put a "!" after each accidental?
2. is it possible for lily to simply break each line when it runs out
   of room instead of my having to do a
   \bar "|"; \break
   at the end of each line?  this gets to be a bigger and bigger
   problem because once i start adding fingerings and dynamic
   markings, etc., i may have to move some notes onto the next line to 
   make room, but if i do that, i have to readjust every line break
   from there to the end...  and if i need to print it on a different
   sized paper, the adjustments need to be made all over again.

about tuplet numbers: can i convince lilypond to *always* put a brace
around them, regardless of whether the notes the tuplet covers already
have a brace or not?  it's more readable that way in many cases.

even more importantly, can i force the tuplet number + brace to appear
above or below the notes at will?  the first two should obviously be
above the notes, not below them.  and can i move them nearer to or
further away from the notes?  the septuplet marking in the first part
at the top of the third page is much too far away, for example, while
the triplet mark in the second line of the second page is written on
top of the brace.

a few notations he uses:

1. a note with a circle after it, meaning:

   note + circle = note + 1/4 of its length

   the circle is like a dot that's not filled in.  for example, on
   page three, the c-sharp on the second line should be a quarter with 
   a circle, not a quarter tied to a sixteenth.  is this at all
   possible with lily?
2. tuplets that are written as "number : note", for example
   "3 : [image of a half note here]".  possible?
3. "p+" and "p-" for dynamic markings.  possible?

lastly, it needs to be printed in landscape fashion on 11"x14" paper.
can anyone give me a quick tutorial on how this is done?  i've tried
using -L with ly2dvi, but the result is what you see in
closing-landscape.ps -- a portrait image with the music pushed halfway 
off the page.  what am i doing wrong there?  and how do i specify a
size of 11x14?  the ly2dvi man page talks about specifying width and
height in terms of points, but i'm not sure what a point is.

many more questions to come, but that's it for now.


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| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-669-4926 |
|                   i have not yet begun to procrastinate.                   |

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