pl 44
pl 43.jcn2
        - bf: repeat :| placement + core dump
        - bf: mf without ljfour
          * feta-accordion fix/hack for feta11 at 300dpi

pl 43.hwn1
       - half assed attempt at ABC convertor.
       - Spacing_spanner: "decentral" spacing stuff.  Use -t to try.
       - bf: StaffGroup vertical alignment
       - \property {slur,tie,}ydirection -> {slurV,tieV,v}erticalDirection (1.0.20)
       - Spanner now hangs on left endpoint.
       - \property forgetAccidentals: do not remember accidentals.
 Every note not in the key triggers typesetting of an accidental.
       - \property noResetKey: do not reset key at start of measure:
 accidental remain in effect until overriden
       - bf: ties & accidentals (fix breaks oldTieBehavior)
       - junked Tie::same_pitch_b_
pl 43.jcn1
        - configure,, release stuff

pl 42.tca2
        - lilypond don't put \interstaffline after last line. This to
          get really nice vertical spacing for mudela-book.
        - mudela-book: vertical spacing
        - lilyponddefs.tex: commented out \parindent=0pt to get correct 
          paragraph indent for mudela-book


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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