Han-Wen wrote:
"The note heads live at Thread level, and by explicitly selecting
which Thread context each note goes in, you can set the note head
style ... I think this what you suggest in your mail (with the name
Note instead of Thread)"

Correct - that was the real point I was trying to make, that what we
were looking for should fit into Lily as she is, without a new
mechanism being needed. Sorry I couldn't be clearer about it before.

"I think I will reinstall Thread soon (It won't make things more
difficult, it should be backwards compatible), because it also makes
sense for fingering instructions."

That would help a lot. And, I'm sure I'll eventually have to get into
fingerings for the wilder passages in Scarlatti, otherwise pianists
won't believe they are possible to play!

"But what you really want, (I think), is a mechanism that says:
\withstyle X someMusic
typeset whatever results from someMusic with style X"

No, I don't feel I do - the Thread mechanism should do everything
I need. It's clean.


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