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> As I've recently started typesetting some music for the brass ensemble
> of our local church, I would be really happy to have this mechanism.
> Could anybody give me a hint as to in which direction I should work in
> order to add this feature to LilyPond? I'm ready to go hacking C++, if
> necessary :)

You could try generating an empty barline

    \bar "";

(or \bar "empty";, I forgot),  and attach a mark above 

    \mark "\breathesign";

If this deosn't work, you should start hacking in C++ :).  For
starters, you could add a markDirection property that allows you to
set the direction of the sign to below the staff.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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