On 08-Jun-99 Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> You can build the fonts as vectors. Do make -C mf pfa. You should
> check
> the dvips documentation how to include these iso. the bitmap fonts.
> I'd gladly include such info into faq.

The dvips documentation says:

>>You must have an AFM file for any font you install.

I made the pfa fonts as you described above, which gives .pfa files for
all the fonts, but .afm files only exist for the feta11, 13, 16, 19,
20, 23 + 26 fonts - not the feta-braces fonts, the feta-din font, the
feta-nummer fonts or the feta-test fonts. Is this likely to be a

The documentation then goest on to say:

>>  Installation of a PostScript font proceeds in three steps.
>>  1. Run `afm2tfm' to create a TFM file for the original font, and the
>>     VPL form of the virtual font:
>>          afm2tfm Times-Roman -v ptmr rptmr

Running this on the feta afm files gives a syntax error and the tfm and
vpl files never get generated. Next you're supposed to:

>>  2. Run `vptovf' to generate a VF and TFM file for the virtual font
>>     from the VPL file:
>>          vptovf ptmr.vpl ptmr.vf ptmr.tfm
>>  3. Insert an entry for the font in `psfonts.map'
>>          rptmr      Times-Roman                 <ptmr8a.pfa
>>  4. Install the files in the standard locations, as in:
>>          cp ptmr.vf FONTDIR/vf/...
>>          cp *ptmr.tfm FONTDIR/tfm/...
>>          cp ptmr.afm FONTDIR/afm/...
>>          cp ptmr.pf? FONTDIR/type1/...

This seems ridiculously complicated just to include a postscript font in
a .ps file. Has anyone succeeded in doing this or does anyone know why
afm2tfm fails? The documentation for dvips suggests that I should be
able to include the postscript fonts in .ps files as vectors, which I
think should be the way we distribute the files in Mutopia. It even
says that this is the preferred way of including fonts if you are
converting to pdf, which we're also using on Mutopia.

Thanks in advance for any help,



Chris Sawer - Sussex, England - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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