On 11-Jun-99 Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> On Thursday, 10 June 1999, Chris Sawer writes:
>> The dvips documentation says:
>> >>You must have an AFM file for any font you install.
>> I made the pfa fonts as you described above, which gives .pfa files
>> for
>> all the fonts, but .afm files only exist for the feta11, 13, 16, 19,
>> 20, 23 + 26 fonts - not the feta-braces fonts, the feta-din font,
>> the
>> feta-nummer fonts or the feta-test fonts. Is this likely to be a
>> problem?
>> The documentation then goest on to say:
>> >>  Installation of a PostScript font proceeds in three steps.
>> >>
>> >>  1. Run `afm2tfm' to create a TFM file for the original font, and
>> >>  the
>> >>     VPL form of the virtual font:
>> >>          afm2tfm Times-Roman -v ptmr rptmr
>> Running this on the feta afm files gives a syntax error and the tfm
>> and
>> vpl files never get generated. Next you're supposed to:
> What's the error; which afm2tfm are you using (the one supplied with
> Lily?)

The exact error is:

; expected: ! syntax error
C 0; N rests-0; B 0.00 -156.25 375.00 0.00 ;

The version given is : afm2tfm(k) (dvips(k) 5.78) 8.1
>From the tetex-0.9 distribution. Would getting a later version help? I
noticed tetex 1.0 was released this week but the download is huge. I'll
get it if it might work, though.

Your post implies that a version of afm2tfm is supplied with Lilypond -
I couldn't find one anywhere in the 1.1.47 distribution.

Also, is there likely to be a problem with the lack of afm files for
the feta-braces, feta-nummer, feta-din and feta-test fonts?

Thanks in advance,



Chris Sawer - Sussex, England - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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