I recently discovered that MidiScore, which I'd been extending to
produce mudela, has partially been subsumed into a newer project called
kooBase (its homepage can be found at
http://lienhard.desy.de/mackag/homepages/jan/kooBase/home.shtml). kooBase
is (or will be) a KDE application similar to Steinberg Research's CuBase.

        Yes, I realize that the crowd on a gnu mailing list (myself
included) would probably be a bit more enthusiastic about a GTK/GNOME
application, and I plan to start working on one relatively soon, but in
the meantime it never hurts to have something that works pretty well
already and shows lots of promise -- and I'm not just saying that to
ingratiate Jan, it's true.

        So I've extended kooBase it so that it exports mudela. (Jan --
I didn't end up using the API for extending kooBase; I found it easier
to hack in the kooBase directory directly. I hope you don't mind.)

        You can grab the diff at


        For those of you also on this side of the pond, I've also put a
copy of the main kooBase tarball at



* Exports multiple staves

* Deals with time signatures and key signatures correctly

* Does enharmonic spellings correctly

* Deals with clefs correctly

* Deals with rests correctly. This is less trivial than it sounds; kooBase
doesn't explicitly store rests, they're just deduced from where notes


* Doesn't handle multiple voices or chords on the same staff.

* Doesn't write its output to multiple files; just a single file. The
ultimate plan is to have something that'll write the music for each part
to a separate file for ultimate \include'ing in score files and part


You'll find that the main distribution isn't entirely clean, but this'll
probably get you up and working (it did for me)

* untar the main tarball
* gunzip the diff
* copy the kooBase-0.96-lilyextended.diff to the kooBase-0.96 directory
* cd to the kooBase-0.96 directory
* patch -E -p1 < kooBase-0.96-lilyextended.diff
* rm config.cache
* configure
* make (possibly with a few more gyrations and symbolic linkings; I had to
  do a few myself. Like make a symlink to /usr/include/qt at
  /usr/lib/qt/include. Nothing too complicated, though.)
* One last thing I had to do was copy all the *.xpm's and *.xbm's to
  /usr/share/icons; you may or may not find this necessary yourself.


There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that think that there
are two kinds of people, and those that know better.

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