I have updated the Windows NT/95 Binary distribution site to version



  o Error: Python path: Python installation is required 
    Users reported problems with the installer finding the python path
    for some versions of Python namely 1.5. I am using a slightly
    different approach so that problem should be solved. Thanks to
    Mats Bengtsson and Wolfgang Fischler reporting and helping with
    this issue.

  o Unable to find lilyponddefs.tex 
    This was due to using version version 1.07 of MiKTeX. I have add
    known working versions for all of the required software packages,
    per Mats suggestion. See Required Packages.

  o Please use the Add/Remove program control panel entry to unistall
    your current version of Lilypond before you attempt to install
    this one.

  o If you are upgrading from a previous version of lilypond you will
    most likely need to flush your font cache. I generally just toss
    D:\localtexmf\fonts\tfm\public\ehrhardt and
    D:\localtexmf\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\ehrhardt in the Recyle
    Bin. Your local font directory may be different, please refer to
    your local installatin of TeX.
Happy engraving,


Jeffrey B. Reed

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