On Tuesday, 31 August 1999, John Sankey writes:

> "maybe it is better to remove the 'nothing specified->stop at end of
> beat' rule? Otherwise, quite some entries should be added to
> auto-beam-settings.ly,
>       time4_4beamAutoEnd3_16 = "1/2"
> being just one of the obviously missing ones..."
> It might not be simple codewise, but musicians usually think of
> 3/16th 5/16th ... time notes as 1/16th class. If you could handle
> notes based on the denominator (ignore the numerator), this might be
> the most logical.

If you see 


you think of it to be in the 1/16th class (3/16th)?

Anyway, it's not too late to change behaviour of the autobeamer;
the default settings will be so that beaming of most music doesn't
change.  But I feel we do need something like the 3_16 too: you'll
need to be able to specify particular beaming for a specific duration.

> Actually, it is much less important *what* the rules are than that
> they be logically complete and documented clearly. I've no trouble
> with the 'cancel a beam if a manual one is encountered anywhere
> within it' if I know this is what happens, for example.

Ok, but we've got noAutoBeam=1 for that, which is better: no hidden
functionality -> no extra doco needed.

> But, removing the 'nothing specified->stop at end of beat' rule was a
> good idea, because it tied an operational element of beaming to the

It hasn't been removed.  It's just that the default settings overrule
this in most cases.  Take a wierd (ie new to ly/auto-beam-settings.ly)
time signature, and you'll witness it again.  It's a hack to prevent
auto-beams that never stop: maybe the 'stop at end of beat' could be
replaced by 'stop at end of measure', but that's also wrong.  If
you want autobeaming, you'll have to tell the auto-beamer what you
want -- that's it.

> timesignature which is a graphical element. The more independent the
> various notation concepts can be, the better, given the variety of
> notations musicians have used over the centuries.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien/      | http://www.lilypond.org/

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