Am 29-Sep-99 schrieb Jan Nieuwenhuizen ::
> On Friday, 24 September 1999, Incoming FSF orders for 59 Temple Place writes:
> Hi Guenter,
> Since the GNU Music project currently only has LilyPond, your message
> has been directed to Han-Wen and myself.
OK ...
> What is it exactly, that you have written, could you explain a bit 
> more?  The description, 'text file to midi file' would also apply
> to LilyPond, or abc2midi. 
You are right!
I've used abc2midi a very short time, but i have never heard of lilypond.
What is Lilipond exactly? A short time looking to the net it looks like it was
a typesetter like MuTex(isn't it)

 Where does your tool differ?  What does
> your input language look like? (ie: does it describe 'music' or rather
> 'sound')  Where is the url? :-)
It describes music.
I'll attach my package. Then you can have a look at it.
Please tell me your impression, then

I have to tell you somewthing.
my tool often uses the same syntax as abc2midi.
I have written gmc, because abc2midi did not satisfy my needs(I am a guy, which
very soon writes its own programs, if he does not get something work :( )
But just have a look at it :)

> The GNU Music project has a discussion forum at [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> maybe you want to send more details of your program to that list.  Its
> use could be discussed there.
I'll do

> Have a look at LilyPond's midi production (there are examples of input
> and (midi) output on the website).

Where is it?

> Greetings,
> Jan.
>> ------- Start of forwarded message -------
>> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 13:28:03 +0200 (MET DST)
>> From: Guenther Sohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: gmc - Gnu Midi Compiler
>> Hello,
>> I've written a tool, which compiles text files to midi files.
>> It might hopefully be interesting for more people than just me
>> So what do I have to do to add this to the gnu packages?
>> Thanx in forward, 
>>         Guenther Sohler
>> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> -- 
> Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
>      |


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