On Sunday, 3 October 1999, John Sankey writes:

> Jan's example for k001 includes this, and Lily 1.2.11 objects that it's an un
    + known escaped string. When

Here's a snippet from the k1 that I sent you:

            \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle="C"
            \keysignature bes;
            \time 4/4;

            \context PianoStaff \notes<
                    \context Staff=up <

> John
> I leave it out, I get weird results - staff fragments below the treble staff,
    +  and no bass staff. I've
> obviously just misunderstood something somewhere - can you point out what?
> BTW, is the \autochange Staff required before each voice as in Jan's example?

See what happens if you leave it out.

> ---------------------------------------
> %K001.ly LilyPond 1.2.0
> rh={\property Thread.noteHeadStyle=""}
> lh={\property Thread.noteHeadStyle="diamond"}
> zs={\property Voice.forceHorizontalShift="0.0"}
> \score{
> \context PianoStaff
> \notes{
> \context Staff=up<
> \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle="C"
> \keysignature bes;
> \time 4/4;
> \clef treble;
> \autochange Staff

Btw: could you please check why your .lys get mangled so badly in email?
When you send me an example, I'm always spending quite some time to get
it in human readable form, in order to see more clearly what's going on,
and this is starting to annoy me.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien/      | http://www.lilypond.org/

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