> I think that a music editor based on notation rather than those stupid
> tracks would be a great thing, but it should be non-wysiwyg because I
> hope there are very few composers who create music according to how it
> looks on the paper. 
Tim Nelson =============================
        Hwy?  I admit I'm not much of a composer, but that's how I do
harmonisations.  I do the melody composition by ear (although I admit
with the
harmonisations, I play them back, and change the bits that sound bad).  
Until you have played something back, I doubt you consider that you
have created it yet.)A Non wysiwig editor could permit the
representation of the velocity and midi events, accents, swinging 8ths,
etc., note by note, perhaps by markings near the notehead or entirely
separate staves or lines, which a
music notation processor should not. On the other hand, you want
a MNP to do fingering, for example, and the editor not.  One would
want the MNP when the composition were finished and it were time to
consider how to print it pretty. If these programs were well
perhaps the MNP could even translate velocities into dynamic markings
to some extent. :-)
> Sorry to be unclear. The rule only applies to a single staff in any
> case. Your scenario [reminder accidental confusion] couldn't happen. 
Sorry to be unclear :).  I'm putting Soprano and Alto on one
and Tenor and Bass on another.  So the Sopranos and Altos could confuse
No. One can not be more confused if the reminders are in parentheses
than if not. And
what about the unison or the prime? If the soprano sings an altered note
previously sung by the alto, you're broken. If you have two singer's
parts on one staff, they will find a way of being confused, regardless.
You are absolutely begging for that. :-)

Peace, understanding, health and happiness to all beings!
     U  U   u       ^^         `    'U u   U  ''`'`
dave  N Va USA    David Raleigh Arnold   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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