After an inordinate amount of time spent splitting K.24 at c' to
avoid chords crossing the staff gap, I have two suggestions for

1. If the user could specify the column quantization (zero being
equivalent to the current -b option; 1/48th for example would line up
all duple durations of 1/16th or greater and all triples of 1/24th or
greater ), then chords could always be lined up in columns.

2. When chords are lined up in columns, notes with the same duration
in each column could be sorted from high to low before being output.
At present, the notes appear to be output in whichever order they
happen to appear in the midi file (pretty well random, usually), so a
sequence of identical 5-note chords has its notes scattered
throughout all 5 threads rather than each pitch being in its own
thread. When they have to be separated for autochange as they are
now, it requires a truly depressing amount of labour.

It would sure help musicians, who tend to start with midi files in a
sequencer, to get things typeset by Lily.


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