Eventually for the refman. Comments are welcome.
Add to previous 'Horizontal Note Spacing Systems:

Width of a line

This is set in the paper block by

\shape 0.0,188.0 \mm;

where the second figure is the width of each line output by Lily.
The Tex \geometry width affects only text set within Tex.
Vertical Note Spacing Systems used by LilyPond (1.2.11)

1. The spacing between lines in a staff defaults to 5.0 \pt. To
change it, set

\translator{\StaffContext staffLineLeading={value}\pt;}

in the paper block. (This command currently has numerical
problems with small changes from 5.0 \pt.)

2. The spacing between staves in a staff group such as PianoStaff
has defaults for minimum and maximum (both 60.0 \pt for
PianoStaff) between staff centers. To change it, use


where {type}Staff is the staff group used (GrandStaff,
PianoStaff, StaffGroup, ChoirStaff).

3. The spacing between staff groups is set in Tex, not Lilypond,
to 16 pt. To change it, specify

\def\interscoreline{\vskip {value}pt}

in a Tex envelope file.

4. The paper height is also set in Tex, by \geometry height.

The above, plus Horizontal spacing adjustments, are the only
means Lily currently has of adjusting the physical length of a
score so that it fits neatly on a page.

Autochange PianoStaff

Lily can divide a voice between the two staves of a piano staff.
To do this, the treble staff must be called "up" and the matching
bass "down", the command \autochange Staff must precede each
voice to be divided, and staves up and down must be the same
length. Thus, a format is (change this at your peril!):

\context PianoStaff \notes<
\context Staff=up<
\keysignature; \time; \clef treble;
\autochange Staff
\context Voice=va<
%thread(s) or notes to be divided
%... more voices if present, each preceded by the autochange
\context Staff=down<
\keysignature; \time; \clef bass;
%space e.g. \skip ; exactly equal to length of va/vb

Lily cross-staff beams notes well, but does not handle chords
that cross staves - it is necessary to ensure that chords are
split between two voices. With 1.2.11, c' is put in either staff
depending on Lily's whim of the moment, all higher pitches (e.g.
cis') are put in up, all lower (e.g. ces') in down.

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