when i process the attached score, i get:

carcassi-op60-08.ly:38:12: warning: junking request: `Bar_req':
  \bar "|:";
             \skip 1*8; \bar "||"; \key c;

how can i convince lily that i really do want a backward repeat there?

\header {
  lastupdated = 
  "Time-stamp: \"carcassi-op60-08.ly was last updated on Sun, 17 Oct 1999 07:55am\"";
  filename =    "carcassi-op60-08.ly";
  title =       "Etude 8";
  piece =       "Allegretto grazioso";
  opus =        "Op. 60 No. 8";
  composer =    "Matteo Carcassi (1792-1853)";
i know that 
  piece = "tempo";
isn't correct, but it looks better than attaching it to the first

  % needed by mutopia:

  mutopiainstrument =  "Guitar";
  mutopiacomposer =    "Matteo Carcassi (1792-1853)";
  date =               "19th C.";
  style =              "Classical";
  copyright =          "public domain";  
  maintainer =         "jeff covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>";
  tagline =            "\\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project, 
http://sca.uwaterloo.ca/Mutopia/\\\\It has been typeset and placed in the public 
domain by jeff covey.\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and 
encouraged - copy this music and share it!";

\version "1.2.0";

% {{{ global stuff

global_a = \notes {
  \clef violin; \time 4/4; \key a; \skip 1*8; \bar "|.";
global_b = \notes {
  \bar "|:"; \skip 1*8; \bar "||"; \key c;
global_c = \notes {
  \bar "||"; \key a; \skip 1*8; \bar ":|";
midi_stuff = \context Staff = guitar {
  \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  \property Staff.transposing = -12 % guitar music actually sounds an
                                    % octave lower than written.

% }}}
% {{{ melody

melody_a = \notes \relative c'' {
  [bis16()cis bis()cis] [fis8 e] [dis16()e dis16()e] [b'8 a]
  [gis d'16()cis] [b()a gis()fis] [e8 gis16()fis] [e()d cis()b]
  [bis16()cis bis()cis] [fis8 e] [cisis16()dis cisis16()dis] [gis8 fis]
  [e fis16 gis] [a()b cis dis] e4 r
  [bis,16()cis bis()cis] [fis8 e] [dis16()e dis16()e] [b'8 a]
  [eis16()fis eis()fis] [cis'8 b] [ais16()b ais()b] [e8 d]
  [cis8 d16()cis] [b()a gis()fis] [e8 gis16()fis] [e()d cis()b]
  [a b cis()d] [e fis gis a] a,4 r
melody_b = \notes \relative c {
  [e8 fis16()gis] [a b()cis dis] [e8 gis] [cis16() b cis()b]
  [<b8 a> b16 cis] [dis()e fis gis] a4 r
  [b,,8 cis16 dis] [e()fis gis()a] [b8 dis] [gis16() fis gis()fis]
  [e8 fis16 gis] [a()b cis dis] e4 r
  [fisis,16()gis fisis()gis] [a8 gis] [gis bis] dis4
  [fisis,16()gis fisis()gis] [a8 gis] [gis cis] e4
  [fis,8 a] cis4 [dis,8 fis] b4
  [e,8 fis16 gis] [a()b cis dis] [e8 e, e e]
  [e16()f e()f] [a8 g] [e c g e]
  [e16()f e()f] [a8 g] [f d b g]
  [c g'] [fis16()g fis()g] [d8 g] [fis16()g fis()g]
  [e8 g] [fis16()g fis()g] [b()c b()c] [dis()e dis()e]
  [<e8 d> gis] [fisis16()gis fisis()gis] [<e8 d> b'] [ais16()b ais()b]
  [<c,8 e> a'] [gis16()a gis()a] [<c,8 e> c'] [b16()c b()c]
  [<dis8 a> <dis a>] [fis,, <dis'' a>] [<dis a> c, b a]
  [<e' gis,> e] [f16()e f()e] [e8 e'] [e,,, <d''' b>]
  [<c a> e,] [f16()e f()e] [e8 c'] [e,,, <a'' dis, c >]
  [<gis e b> e] [f16()e f()e] [fis()e fis()e] [gis()e gis()e]
  [b'()e, e e] [d'()e, e e] [fis()e d()b] [gis e()d b]

% }}}
% {{{ bass

bass_a = \notes \relative c' {
  a2 a e e a fis' e,2. \skip 4*1;
  a2 a d d e, e a a4 \skip 4*1;
bass_b = \notes \relative c {
  \skip 4*3;
  < e'4 gis > fis8 \skip 8*1; \skip 4*3;
  r2 r4 < a4 b> < gis8 b > \skip 8*1; \skip 4*3;
  r2 <bis8 dis> r8 r4 r2 <cis8 e> r8 r4
  <a,8 cis'> r8 r4 <b8 a'> r8 r4 <e8 gis>
  \skip 8*1; \skip 4*3;
  \skip 1*2;
  e,4 r g r c \skip 4*3; e,2 e a a fis'4 fis [fis8 c d dis]
  e,2. e4 e2. e4 e1 \skip 1*1;

% }}}
a_section_music = <
        \context Voice = melody_voice_a { \melody_a }
        \context Voice = bass_voice_a { \bass_a }
a_section_fingerings =  <
%       \context Voice = melody_voice_a { \fingerings_melody_a }
%       \context Voice = bass_voice_a { \fingerings_bass_a }

b_section_music = <
        \context Voice = melody_voice_b { \melody_b }
        \context Voice = bass_voice_b { \bass_b }
b_section_fingerings = <
%       \context Voice = melody_voice_b { \fingerings_melody_b }
%       \context Voice = bass_voice_b { \fingerings_bass_b }

c_section_music = <
        \context Voice = melody_voice_a { \melody_a }
        \context Voice = bass_voice_a { \bass_a }

%% dvi output =  with fingerings
%\score {
%    \context Staff = guitar <
%    { 
%      \a_section_music
%      \b_section_music
%      \c_section_music
%    }
%    { 
%      \a_section_fingerings
%      \b_section_fingerings 
%    }
%  >
%  \paper {
%    gourlay_maxmeasures =4.;
%    \translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
%    output =  "carcassi-op60-08";
%  }

% dvi output without fingerings
 \score {
     \context Staff = guitar
   \paper {
     linewidth = 18.0 \cm;
     gourlay_maxmeasures =4.;
     \translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
%     output =  "carcassi-op60-08-urtext";
here i make a separate \score command so that the midi output =  follows
the actual course of the music, with the second section repeated.
\score {
  \midi { \tempo 4 =120; }

| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-669-4926 |
|                 i'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.                  |

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