Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If you've found a bug, you should submit a bugreport.  Have you check
> if this applies to you?

I have a slow internet connection at home, so it takes a while to
upgrade my libc6 (which is my next attempt to get it working).
Anyway, the bug is not in lilypond.

> > I can't say I really understand contexts.  Is it possible to define
> > your own contexts?
> Yes.
> > And is there any difference between your own
> > contexts and the built-in (and automatic) ones?
> Technically, there is no distinction between automatic and user
> defined contexts; the automatic ones are loaded from
> ly/engraver.ly. For practical purposes it is better  not to rely on
> your own contexts, since they might not work if some implementations
> are changed.
> However, I think that giving users a possibility to define their own
> contexts might be useful in some cases.

Absolutely.  What I haven't figured out is the relationthips between

  1. Contexts as a global data structure, containing engravers etc.
  2. \FooContext identifiers used in \translator blocks
  3. \name, which Mats mentioned.  I didn't know about this.
  4. The context "instances" used while engraving.
  5. The \context Identifiers used in the scores.

My understanding is that when lilypond created context instances (4)
while processing a score it uses the \context information (5) to find
an appropriate context definition (1).  But how it does this, I don't

David Kågedal

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