Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You can try running lilypond with --debug, but you have to edit
> .dstreamrc to filter the information. ( a sample dstreamrc is provided
> with the Lilypond tarball)
> I could make a Context_structure_engraver that would print the
> structure right within the music -- or perhaps dump it onto stdout.
> Would you like that?

Both of them would be useful.  I would only use it occasionally to
understand what was happening.

> > I can see from the above that I don't understand anything.  What does
> > it actually mean when I write \context Staff in my score?  How is the
> > identifier "Staff" used, and how does it correspond to context
> > definitions?  I guess I should RTFM again, but it didn't help much
> > last time.
> You know the doco is available from the Web? See 
>      http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/hanwen/lilypond/Documentation/out-www/index.html

Yes, I know.  But I have a slow and expensive internet connection at
home, so I have tried to build my own.

> (BTW, I added a --no-pictures option to mudela-book; that should work
> around your pnmcrop problems)

Great.  Maybe it would be possible to build info files from it also?
Or dvi files?  I haven't managed to convinced the make system to build
me anything else than a website.

David Kågedal

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