Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> >       Does Lilypond support multiple simultaneous time signatures (e.g.,
> > one part written in 3/4 against another part in 4/4)? I've seen modern
> > pieces that are notated that way.
> >
> >       I'm asking mostly idly at the moment -- I may eventually have to
> > implement such a thing in Denemo, but would be happier not.
> >
> >       I've tried the obvious way of doing it w/ Lily 1.2.17.uu1 (put a
> > \time 3/4; in one part and a \time 4/4; in the next), but that didn't work
> > - perhaps there's a non-obvious way of doing this?
> it's possible to do this, but the noteheads still have equal
> duration across staffs. (see below)
> Implementing this implies that the code for doing time signatures must
> be "relocatable", ie. movable between staff context and score context,
> (whatever that is in denemo): so you have to make an extra effort to
> modularize bits of denemo--which might be overkill for denemo.
I've looked at the example and one thing that is wrong with it is that
the barlines don't line up with each other. The barlines should line up
with each other (even if the notes do not?)  

Is it possible to fix this with some extra input in the file or will the
source need looking at?

Adam Tee
Postgraduate Research Student
Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering and Dept of Music
University of Leeds

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