On Wednesday, 29 March 2000, "James Hammons" writes:

> Now that I've finally got 1.3.40 up and running, it seems to work OK except
> that it hangs on this particular file (using ly2dvi):

> Any ideas?

>         r2 \bar ":|";
>     }
> }
You've got a superfluous brace herea, somehow this really confuses 

> acc = \chords
> {

You found a bug in chords.  I'll have to fix that, lily dumps core here.
You'll have to do without these chords for now.
(probably todo with a /+ )

> \score
> {
>         <
>            \context ChordNames \acc
>            \context Staff=melody \melodie
> %             \property Staff.markDirection = \up
>         >
>         \paper {  }
> }

And btw, why dont you do:

   mel = \notes { a b c }
   lyr = \lyrics { I will stand }
        \context Staff \mel
        \context Lyrics \lyr



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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