> > Now that I've finally got 1.3.40 up and running, it seems to work OK
> > that it hangs on this particular file (using ly2dvi):
> > Any ideas?
> >         r2 \bar ":|";
> >     }
> > }
>   ^
> You've got a superfluous brace herea, somehow this really confuses
> \addlyrics.

Is it really superfluous?  If I comment it out, lily goes crazy:

[Sceme traces snipped]
standcongregation3.ly:38:7: error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
lyrie =

standcongregation3.ly:38:7: error: parse error:
lyrie =

standcongregation3.ly:71:5: error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
acc =

standcongregation3.ly:71:5: error: parse error:
acc =

standcongregation3.ly:91:6: error: parse error:

standcongregation3.ly:96:34: error: unknown escaped string: `\melodie':
           \context Staff \melodie

standcongregation3.ly:98:19: error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
                    Lyrics \lyrie

standcongregation3.ly:98:33: error: unknown escaped string: `\lyrie':
           \context Lyrics \lyrie

standcongregation3.ly:99:9: error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:

standcongregation3.ly:100:14: error: parse error:
               {  }
error: parse error
warning: Braces don't match

> > acc = \chords
> > {
> You found a bug in chords.  I'll have to fix that, lily dumps core here.
> You'll have to do without these chords for now.
> (probably todo with a /+ )

I think it hung even though there was no "/+", only "/".  BTW, Han Wen:
Lily still complains about the spaces in the "\chords" section.  Typical

standcongregation3.ly:74:15: warning: Junking request: `Skip_req':
        g2 s8 a

> And btw, why dont you do:
>    mel = \notes { a b c }
>    lyr = \lyrics { I will stand }
>    \score{
>    \addlyrics
>    \context Staff \mel
> \context Lyrics \lyr

Well, honestly, it never occurred to me to do it that way.  BTW, is the
automatic melismata working at all?  Maybe I don't understand how it should
operate, but I *thought* that it was supposed to pay attention to tied notes
and slurs (lily ignores those, even though I have the automaticMelismata set
to "1").  I tried using Staff instead of Voice, but that did nothing...

-- Shamus

Modified standcongregation3.ly:

\include "english.ly";  % English for crying out loud...

  title = "Stand In The Congregation";
  composer = "Bill Batstone";

%\version "1.2.0";

melodie = \notes \relative c''
        \property Voice.automaticMelismata = "1"
        \property Voice.textEmptyPostion = "1"
        \property Voice.textScriptPadding = "10"
        \clef "G";
        \key d;
        \time 2/2;

   \transpose g'

        \partial 2;
        g4 a |
        b b8 b b ( ) a a a ~ | a g4 d8 g4 a8 g |
        b2 a4. g8 ~ | g4 r fs g |
        a a8 a a4 a8 a ~ |
        a d4 d8 g4 a8 g | b2 a4. g8 ~ |
        g4 r g a | b8 b b b ~ b a4 a8 ~ |
        a g4. g4 a | b2 d'4 c' ~|
        c'2 r4 e' | d'2 ( b4 ) g |
        b2 ( ) a | g1
        \bar "|";
        \partial 2;
        r2 \bar ":|";

lyrie = \lyrics
        I8 will stand in the con -- gre -- ga -- tion
        and I will ex -- alt _ You.
        I will stand in the con -- gre -- ga -- tion
        and I will ex -- alt _ You.
        Let the chil -- dren of your sal -- va -- tion
        lift their prai -- ses too!
        Hal -- le --  lu --  jah!
        I8 will stand in the con -- gre -- ga -- tion
        and I will _ praise Your name.
        I will stand in the con -- gre -- ga -- tion
        and I will _ praise Your name.
        With your peo -- ple in ev -- 'ry na -- tion
        I will shout this praise!
        Hal -- le --  lu --  jah!
        We8 will join as a con -- gre -- ga -- tion
        and we will ex -- alt _ You.
        We will join as a con -- gre -- ga -- tion
        and we will ex -- alt _ You.
        We will sing _ as all cre -- a -- tion
        lifts the song a -- new.
        Hal -- le --  lu --  jah!

acc = \chords
        c4/+d d:7
        g2 s8 a4.:m/+g
        s8 g2 s8 a4:m/+g
        g2 a4.:m/+g g8
        s2 d4/+g g
        s2 c4/e d:7/fs
        g2 a4.:m/+g g8
        s2. a:m/+d
        g2 s8 a4.:m/+g
        s8 g2 s8 a4:m/+g
        g2 g4:7/b c
        s2. a4:m7
        a2:m7.9 d:7

%           \context ChordNames \acc
           \context Staff \melodie
%             \property Staff.markDirection = \up
           \context Lyrics \lyrie
        \paper {  }

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