I am using the \addlyrics feature to have lily align the text to the
music.  There are two things I don't know how to do:

1) Suppose, in 6/4, I have d2. ~ d2 r4 | r2. c2. |.  If I have a word,
say, "X" at "d2.", and I want a word extension (the "__" after X) that
only extends up to and including d2.  How do I do that?  Currently, lily
would extend the line to right before "c2."  The problem magnifies when
I have several empty bars.  The line would go across those bars.

2) No word extension is created when I have something like "g2. ~ g2 |"
at the end of a piece (with \partial 4).  I think this is because lily
cannot find the next note/word pair for the word extension to end.

I just wonder if is it possible to modify lily such that "__" would
accept a duration.  By default, if there is no duration after it, then
it would look for the next note/word pair.  If there is a duration, then
the line would only extend that many beats.

Also, is it possible to change/add the behaviour of "--" so that there
would be a dashed line between two syllables as opposed to just a dash
in between.  The dashed line would be more intuitive when the melissma
is long.

Desmond Lam

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