Well, maybe I do it the wrong way: 

I try to typeset a song, where the first couple of measures in each verse
has the music repeated, but with a different text. This is usually set
with a repeat bar in the staff and two lines of text between the upper and
the lower staff. Unfortunately I can't get it right. The outcome is like

 ................. upper :| staff....................
First line of 1st verse
First line of 2nd verse
First line of 3rd verse
                                non-repeated part of 1st verse
                                non-repeated part of 2nd verse
                                non-repeated part of 3rd verse
 ..................lower :| staff .........................
2nd line of 1st verse
2nd line of 2nd verse
2nd line of 3rd verse

This is rather ugly. Well, the input file is appended to this mail.

Another problem is, that lilypond as of version 1.3.41 doesn't like empty
repeats, which would be useful in this case. To overcome this problem
remove the s4 at the start of each voice and the ""4 in the repeats of the
verses -- you will get a core dump.

\header {
        composer = "Martin Luther 1528";
        poet = "Martin Luther 1528";

\version "1.3.4";

NotesGlobal = \notes {
        \repeat "volta" 2 {
                \skip 4*2; \bar "|"; \skip 4*4; \bar "|"; \skip 4*6; \bar "|";
                \skip 4*4; \bar "|"; \skip 4*5;
        \skip 4*1; \bar "|"; \skip 4*3; \bar "|"; \skip 4*3; \bar "|";
        \skip 4*3; \bar "|"; \skip 4*3; \bar "|"; \skip 4*4; \bar "|";
        \skip 4*4; \bar "|"; \skip 4*4; \bar "|"; \skip 4*4; \bar "|";
        \skip 4*5; \bar "|.";

Breath = \context Voice = Bbreath \notes {
        \skip 4*47; \breathe
        \skip 4*6; \breathe

sopran = \context Voice = Vsopran \notes\relative c' {
        \repeat "volta" 2 {
                s4 c'4          c c g b         [c8 b] a4 g2 r4 c4      b a g a 
                [f8( e] )d4 c2 r4
        c4              g' [a8 g] fis4  g2 c,4                  g'4 a b
        c2 b4           c b a           g2 r4 a                 a4 g a f 
        e2 r4 c'        b a g a         [f8( e] )d4 c2 r4
tenor = \context Voice = Vtenor \notes\relative c' {
        \repeat "volta" 2 {
                s4 e4            g f d g        e fis g2 r4 e4          e c e e
                [d8( c] )b4 c2 r4
        c4              d e d           d2 c4                   d f f 
        a2 g4           g g fis         d2 r4 f                 f e e [d8 c]
        b2 r4 e4        e c e e         a,( )b g2 r4
alt = \context Voice = Valt \notes\relative c' {
        \repeat "volta" 2 {
                s4 g4            c a b b        a d b2 r4 a             g f g c 
                a( )g e2 r4
        e4              g c a           b2 e,4                  b' a d
        e2 e4           e e a,          b2 r4 d                 c c c a
        gis2 r4 a       g f g c         f,( )g e2 r4
bass = \context Voice = Vbass \notes\relative c {
        \repeat "volta" 2 {
                s4 c4            e f g e        c d g,2 r4 a            e' f c a 
                d( )g, c2 r4
        c4              b a d           g,2 a4                  g d' d
        a2 e'4          c c d           g,2 r4 d'4              f c a d
        e2 r4 a,        e' f c a        d( )g, c2 r4

v1 = \lyrics {
        \repeat "fold" 2 { ""4 }
        \alternative {
                { Ein4 fe -- ste Burg ist un -- ser Gott,2 ""4
                  ein gu -- te Wehr und Waf2 -- fen. ""4 }
                { Er4 hilft uns frei aus al -- ler Not,2 ""4
                  die uns jetzt hat be -- trof2 -- fen. ""4 }
        Der alt b\"o -- se Feind,2
        mit4 Ernst ers jetzt meint;2
        "gro\ss"4 Macht und viel List2 ""4
        sein grau -- sam R\"u -- stung ist;2 ""4
        auf Erd ist nicht seins -- glei2 -- chen. ""4
v2 = \lyrics {
        \repeat "fold" 2 { ""4 }
        \alternative {
                { Mit4 uns --rer Macht ist nichts ge -- tan,2 ""4
                  wir sind gar bald ver -- lo2 -- ren; ""4 }
                { es4 streit f\"ur uns der rech -- te Mann,2 ""4
                  den Gott hat selbst er -- ko2 -- ren. ""4 }
        Fragst du, wer der ist?2
        Er4 "hei\ss t" Je -- sus Christ,2
        der4 Herr Ze -- ba -- oth,2 ""4
        und ist kein and -- rer Gott;2 ""4
        das Feld "mu\ss" er be -- hal2 -- ten. ""4
v3 = \lyrics {
        \repeat "fold" 2 { ""4 }
        \alternative {
                { Und4 wenn die Welt voll Teu -- fel w\"ar2 ""4
                  und wollt uns gar ver -- schlin2 -- gen, ""4 }
                { so4 f\"urch -- ten wir uns nicht so sehr,2 ""4
                  es soll uns doch ge -- lin2 -- gen. ""4 }
        Der F\"urst die -- ser Welt,2
        wie4 saur er sich stellt,2
        tut4 er uns doch nicht;2 ""4
        das macht, er ist ge -- richt:2 ""4
        ein W\"ort -- lein kann ihn f\"al2 -- len. ""4
v4 = \lyrics {
        \repeat "fold" 2 { ""4 }
        \alternative {
                { Das4 Wort sie sol -- len las -- sen stahn2 ""4
                  und kein Dank da -- zu ha2 -- ben; ""4 }
                { er4 ist bei uns wohl auf dem Plan2 ""4
                  mit sei -- nem Geist und Ga2 -- ben. ""4 }
        Neh -- men sie den Leib,2
        Gut,4 Ehr, Kind und Weib:2
        "la\ss"4 fah -- ren da -- hin,2 ""4
        sie ha -- bens kein Ge -- winn,2 ""4
        das Reich "mu\ss" uns doch blei2 -- ben. ""4
words = \context Lyrics = Words <

upper = \notes {
        \context Staff = Upper {
                \clef "treble";
                \context Staff <

lower = \notes {
        \context Staff = Lower {
                \clef "bass";
                \context Staff <

\include "paper16.ly";

\score {
        \context ChoirStaff <
        \paper {
                indent = 0.0\mm;
                textheight = 290.0\mm;

\score {
        \context StaffGroup <
                { \NotesGlobal \property Staff.instrument = "church organ" \sopran }
                { \NotesGlobal \property Staff.instrument = "church organ" \tenor }
                { \NotesGlobal \property Staff.instrument = "church organ" \alt }
                { \NotesGlobal \property Staff.instrument = "church organ" \bass }
        \midi {
                \tempo 4=140;

harti brandt, http://www.fokus.gmd.de/research/cc/cats/employees/hartmut.brandt/private

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