> Hi there,
> I'm beginning to use lilypond and would like, first of all,
> to thank the developers for their fine work. Long life to lily! :-)
> In using it, I've come across a few bugs, verified against version

thanks for the bugreports.

> of the slur in the example or change the font size to see the
> problem come and go).
> 2 - chord tremolos are not interpreted correctly if defined
> outside the "score" block (the two on this file are rendered
> differently). When it goes wrong, one gets: "warning: no one
> to print a volta bracket".

apply this

--- repeated-music.cc~  Tue Mar 28 23:49:49 2000
+++ repeated-music.cc   Thu May 11 22:43:14 2000
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   repeats_i_ = s.repeats_i_;
   fold_b_ = s.fold_b_;
   volta_fold_b_ = s.volta_fold_b_;
+  type_ = s.type_
   repeat_body_p_ = s.repeat_body_p_ ? s.repeat_body_p_->clone () : 0;
   alternatives_p_ = s.alternatives_p_
     ? dynamic_cast<Music_sequence*> (s.alternatives_p_->clone ()):0;

> 5 - "Voice.tupletDirection" and "Voice.tupletVisibility" don't
> work; the examples on the test directory render incorrectly.

\version "1.3.47"

\score {
  \context Voice \notes\relative c'' {

  \times 2/3 { [c8 c c]  }
  \times 2/3 { c8 [c c]  }

  \property Voice .tupletBracketVisibility = #'if-no-beam
  \times 2/3 { [c8 c c]  }
  \property Voice .tupletDirection = #1
  \property Voice .tupletNumberVisibility = ##f
  \times 2/3 { c8 [c c]  }


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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