I've been trying to use the automaticPhrasing option by following
inputs/test/lyric-phrasing.ly, and have a few questions about it.  There
seems to be some significance to the names "VA-2" (etc):

\context LyricVoice = "VA-2"

...since if I change this name, it no longer does the phrasing stuff.  Why
is this?

Secondly, in the attached file, the first verse gives all sorts of strange
errors, and doesn't display properly.  This is true regardless of which
verse I place first, so it's not a typo in the verse.  I can fix this by
changing the names of the LyricVoice's to something other than VA-etc, but
then I don't get the phrasing.  It looks like the answer to this problem is
closely related to the answer to the first question.

Thanks for all the wonderful work on lily!
David Roundy
filename =       "temp.ly";
%title =         "A Mighty Fortress is Our God";
description =    "twinkle twinkle in pop-song-settings";
composer =       "Martin Luther";
enteredby =      "David Roundy";
copyright =      "public domain";

beginmatter = \notes {\cadenzaOn \key c \major; }

textI = \lyrics {
  \property Lyrics . textStyle = "roman"
    A4 might -- y for -- tress is our God,2
    A4 bul -- wark nev -- er fail2 -- ing;2.
    Our4 help -- er He a -- mid the flood2 
    Of4 mor -- tal ill pre -- vail2 -- ing.2.
    For4 still our an -- cient foe2.
    Doth4 seek to work us woe---2. 
    His4 craft and pow'r are great,2.
    And,4 armed with cru -- el hate,2.
    On4 earth is not his e2 -- qual.2.
textII = \lyrics {
  \property Lyrics . textStyle = "italic"
    Did4 we in our own strength con -- fide,2
    Our4 striv -- ing would be los2 -- ing,2.
    Were4 not the right man on our side,2 
    The4 man of God's own choos2 -- ing.2.
    Dost4 ask who that may be?2.
    Christ4 Je -- sus, it is He---2.
    Lord4 Sav -- a -- oth His name,2.
    From4 age to age the same,2.
    And4 He must win the bat2 -- tle.2.
textIII = \lyrics {
  \property Lyrics . textStyle = "roman"
    And4 tho this world, with dev -- ils filled,2
    Should4 threat -- en to un -- do2 us,2.
    We4 will not fear for God hath willed2 
    His4 truth to tri -- umph thru2 us.2.
    The4 prince of dark -- ness grim,2.
    We4 trem -- ble not for him---2.
    His4 rage we can en -- dure,2.
    For4 lo, his doom is sure;2.
    One4 lit -- tle word shall fell2 him.2.
textIV = \lyrics {
  \property Lyrics . textStyle = "italic"
    That4 word a -- bove all earth -- ly pow'rs,2
    No4 thanks to them, a -- bid2 -- eth;2.
    The4 Spir -- it and the gifts are ours2
    Thru4 Him who with us sid2 -- eth.2.
    Let4 goods and kin -- dred go,2.
    This4 mor -- tal life al -- so---2.
    The4 bod -- y they may kill;2.
    God's4 truth a -- bid -- eth still;2.
    His4 king -- dom is for -- ev2 -- er.2.

soprano = \notes \relative c'' {
  \repeat "unfold" 2 {
  c4 |
  c c \context Voice=soprano{\stemup[g8 a]} b4 |
  \context Voice=soprano{\stemup[c8 b]} a4 g2 c4 |
  b a g a [f8( e])d4 | 
  c2. \break |
  c4 |
  g' a g fis |
  g2. c,4 |
  g' g a b |
  c2. b4 |
  c b a a \break |
  g2. a4 |
  a g a f |
  e2. c'4 |
  b a g a [f8( e])d4 | 
  c2. \break \bar "|."; |

alto = \notes \relative c' { 
  \repeat "unfold" 2 {
  e4 |
  c e \context Voice=alto{\stemdown d} g |
  \context Voice=alto{\stemdown c, [d8 c]} b2 c4 |
  e c e e [d8(c])b4 |
  \context Voice=alto{\stemdown c2.} |
  \context Voice=alto{\stemdown c4} |
  e e d \context Voice=alto{\stemdown [d8 c]} |
  b2. \context Voice=alto{\stemdown c4} |
  d e c d |
  c2. e4 |
  e e e \context Voice=alto{\stemdown [d8 c]} |
  b2. c4 |
  f e e d |
  b2. e4 |
  e c e e [d8(c])b4 |
  \context Voice=alto{\stemdown c2.} |

tenor = \notes \relative c' { 
  \repeat "unfold" 2 {
  g4 |
  g g b g |
  e fis g2 e4 |
  g a c c \context Voice=tenor{\stemup a([g8)f]} |
  e2. |
  e4 |
  g c \context Voice=tenor{\stemup b} a |
  g2. e4 |
  g g \context Voice=tenor{\stemup f} f |
  e2. b'4 |
  a gis a fis |
  g2. c4 |
  c \context Voice=tenor{\stemup [c8 bes]} a4 a |
  gis2. a4 |
  g! a c c \context Voice=tenor{\stemup a([g8)f]} |
  e2. | 

bass = \notes \relative c { 
  \repeat "unfold" 2 {
  c4 |
  e c g' e |
  a, d g,2 a4 |
  e' f c a \context Voice=bass{\stemdown d()g,} |
  c2. |
  c4 |
  c a \context Voice=bass{\stemdown [b8 c]} d4 |
  g,2. c4 |
  b c f d |
  a2. gis4 |
  a b c d |
  g,2. f4 |
  a \context Voice=bass{\stemdown c} cis d |
  e2. a,4 |
  e' f c a \context Voice=bass{\stemdown d()g,} |
  c2. |

topstaff = \context Staff = upper \notes {
    \clef "treble";
    \property Staff.instrument = "acoustic grand"
     \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t
     \property Staff.automaticMelismata= ##t  

bottomstaff = \context Staff = lower \notes {
     \clef "bass";
     \property Staff.instrument = "acoustic grand"

\score {
            \context LyricVoice = "VA-1" \textI
            \context LyricVoice = "VA-2" \textII
            \context LyricVoice = "VA-3" \textIII
            \context LyricVoice = "VA-4" \textIV
        \paper {
           indent = 0.0;
           linewidth= 17.3 \cm ;
           \translator {
             \consists "Lyric_phrasing_engraver";
             automaticPhrasing = ##t;

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