OOPS!  I forgot the attachment.  Here it is...

At 05:17 PM 7/22/00 -0500, I wrote:
>I am trying to add verse numbers to my song and it is extremely difficult.
>I want them to appear directly under the time signature.   Is this possible?
>You can see my song in the attached file.  I added a "dummy" note to the 
>beginning of the song, in order to have verse numbers.
>I am using LilyPond 1.3.46.jbr1 (on Windows 98).
>Thanks in advance!!
\include "paper16.ly"

\header {
  piece = "eagley            c.m.";
  arranger = "J. Walsh.";
  tagline = "";

beginmatter = \notes {\time 3/4; \key bes \major; }

text = \simultaneous
    $1. Of all the gifts Thy love be -- stows,
    Thou Gi -- ver of all good!
    Not heaven it -- self a rich_ -- er knows
    Than the Re -- deem -- er's blood.
    $2. Faith, too, that trusts the blood through grace,
    From that same love we gain;
    Else sweet -- ly as it suits our case,
    The gift had been in vain.
    $3. We praise Thee, and would praise Thee more,
    To Thee our all we owe;
    The pre -- cious Sav -- iour and the power
    That makes Him pre -- cious too.

soprano = \notes 
{ s2.
  d'4  g'4  a'4  |
  % 2
  \context Voice = soprano { \slurup \stemup bes'4 () c''4 } d''4  |
  % 3
  d''2  c''4  |
  % 4
  bes'2.  |
  % 5
  g'4  g'4  bes'4  |
  % 6
  ees''2  g'4  |
  % 7
  f'2. |
  % 8
  c'4  g'4  a'4  |
  % 9
  \context Voice = soprano { \stemup bes'4 () c''4 } f'4  |
  % 10
  \context Voice = soprano { \stemup d''2 } c''4  |
  % 11
  bes'2.  |
  % 12
  g'4  ees''4  g'4  |
  % 13
  \context Voice = soprano { \slurup \stemup f'4 () bes'4 } a'4  |
  % 14

alto = \notes
{ c''2.
  f'4  ees'4  c'4  |
  % 2
  d'4 () ees'4 f'4  |
  % 3
  f'2  ees'4  |
  % 4
  d'2.  | \break
  % 5
  ees'4  ees'4  g'4  |
  % 6
  g'2  ees'4  |
  % 7
  d'2. | \break
  % 8
  f'4  c'4  f'4  |
  % 9
  \context Voice = alto { \stemdown f'2 } d''4  |
  % 10
  \context Voice = alto { \stemdown f'4 () e'4 } ees'4 |
  % 11
  d'2.  | \break
  % 12
  ees'4  g'4  ees'4  |
  % 13
  d'4 () f'4  ees'4  |
  % 14

tenor = \notes 
{ s2.
  bes,4  bes4  bes4  |
  % 2
  bes2  bes4  |
  % 3
  \context Voice = tenor { \stemup f4 () g4 } a4  |
  % 4
  bes2.  |
  % 5
  bes4  bes4  bes4  |
  % 6
  bes2  bes4  |
  % 7
  bes2.  |
  % 8
  f4  bes4  c'4  |
  % 9
  bes4 () a4  bes4  |
  % 10
  \context Voice = tenor { \stemup bes4 () g4 } ges4  |
  % 11
  bes2.  |
  % 12
  bes4  c'4  c'4  |
  % 13
  d'2  c'4  |
  % 14

bass = \notes 
{ s2.
  bes4  bes,4  bes,4  |
  % 2
  bes,2  bes,4  |
  % 3
  f2  f4  |
  % 4
  bes,2.  |
  % 5
  ees4  ees4  ees4  |
  % 6
  ees2  ees4  |
  % 7
  bes,2. |
  % 8
  a4  e4  ees4  |
  % 9
  \context Voice = bass { \slurdown \stemdown d4 () c4 } bes,4  |
  % 10
  f2  a4  |
  % 11
  g2.  |
  % 12
  ees4  c4  ees4  |
  % 13
  f2  f4  |
  % 14

topstaff = \context Staff = upper \notes
  \clef "treble";
  \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t
  \property Staff.automaticMelismata= ##t  

bottomstaff = \context Staff = lower \notes
  \clef "bass";

\score {
    \context Lyrics \text
  \paper {
    indent = 0.0;
    linewidth = 4.5\in;

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