> I've some question about Mudela.
> 1) I'm writing the Chopin's Ballade N.1 in g minor.
>     Here's part of the code I'm writing:
> \time 6/4;
>    \stemdown )bes2. r8 \stemboth
>    <
>     { [c,8( d fis bes^5 a^5] }
>     \context Voice=alto1 {
>      \stemdown
>      c2_> }
>     \context Voice=alto2 {
>      \stemdown
>      s8 d4. }
>     \context Voice=alto3 {
>      \stemdown
>      s4 fis4 }
>    > |
> This is a measure, I need to use three different contexts to overlay an
> c2, an d4. and an fis4 (different durations
> but they are sequential) over a group  of eights [c,8( d fis bes^5 a^5].
> If I try to compile this code, Lilypond outputs a parse error for lines
> \context Voice=alto {.
> But it should be right. Please tell me where I'm wrong.

Avoid using numbers in the context names, changing to 
altoI, altoII and altoIII should solve your problem (an
alternative is to enclose the names in citation marks "alto1").

> 2) Here's another piece of code (for bass voice on Piano score):
>    r2 <es,2 g c(> |
>    <d1 g )es'> \bar "||";
> These are two measures. I've two chords <es,2 g c> and <d1g es'>. They
> have to be "slurred", but the slur
> have to start at c of the first chord and stop at es' of second one.
> Lilypond outputs a slur below the notes
> that starts at es,2 and ends at d1! Anyway, the brackets () are in c and
> es'.

It's the same in 1.3.74, I don't know any solution at the moment.

> 4) How can I say Lilypond to place a crescendo sign below a note and not
> above?
>     I've the same problem with slurs. Sometime I need a slur to be above
> the note and note
>     below (and viceversa). How can I control positions of these signs?

Try the properties dynamicDirection, slurVerticalDirection and
the other properties with "Direction" in their names. 

> 5) I've tried to compile a lot of versions of Lilypond, from 1.3.73 to
> 1.3.9 and also 1.2.6 without any result:
>     egcs returned lot of different errors on the code (on 1.3.9, for
> example, it ends at moment.cc).

Check that your egcs is version 1.1 or later. Also, you'll need
Guile 1.3.4 or later. All the version prerequisites are documented
in INSTALL.txt. If you still fail, please send a more detailed
problem report.

>     Also the 1.3.72 rpm didn't work. At last I tried the 1.2.17 rpm and
> it worked, but I'd want to use
>     latest release where probably you've solved most of my problems.

Again, what Guile version do you have? What failed?

> 6) How can I add a "glissando" sign to a chord?

Unfortunately that's still not implemented.


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